Wednesday 25 November 2009

Personal Holiness

A while back, the Lord spoke to me. Fortunately I wrote it all down as He had me re-visit what He said just this morning.

Listen to what the Lord is saying now – “The days are coming when many shall turn to me. Those who doubt now, those who do not believe in Me now, those who have wandered off like lost sheep. I am raising a new end-time army of believers. Those who will believe despite what circumstances scream out to them; those who believe despite and whatever the world throws at them; those who will believe through the worst possible persecution – even unto death. The world is turning against Me”, says the Lord, “ but I already knew this before I laid the foundations of the earth. The world does not realise this, yet even if they did, yet they would still despise Me. And they will despise you too because you speak My Name – because you believe in Me and in the One I sent. Even so,” says the Lord, “because your hope is steadfast and is rooted in Me, yet will I uphold you; yet will I justify you even in the worlds eyes. Do not lose sight of My Kingdom for it shall be your reward. Do not bow the knee to anyone but My Son for He is your saviour. Always remember that I, the Lord God Almighty, love you and I am with you – even to the end of the age. I am your provider. I am your Father. I love you – even you.”

Is this not happening to us right now. Everywhere we turn, the enemy seems to be waiting with one 'problem' or another ready to try to afflict us. Even the Church seems to be ambivalent & yet the Holy Spirit is using us more and more to reach those considered un-reachable - outsiders - mis-fits - yet even these, when confronted by the Lord Jesus Christ, embrace Him with a passion and zeal that puts us and so many of the churches we visit to shame.

The Lord is speaking more and more to me, at least, about personal holiness - about returning to our first love for Him. Is this just me or are you getting that message too? Certainly the time of Amos 8:11 is here NOW. There is a mighty hunger and famine for hearing the Word of the Lord because that which is being preached right now is, in far too many places, 'ear-tickling' that the people want to hear as against that which they need to hear.

What am I saying ??? Be prepared for anything and everything - even unto death. The Lord is going to use any who are willing to lay down their life for Him. The harvest they shall inherit shall be beyond even their wildest dreams. The Lord will honour those who honour Him. Where is our loyalty today? What does scripture say?

"John 12:24 I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds."

Just one question remains - will you die to self in order to live to Him? Will you return to your first love and give Him everything that you are, everything that you have, everything that you hope, and everything that you want to be? Personally, if there is only a 0.01% chance of me being involved in end-time revival, I will give up everything to be there. Then I will be able to say, like Simeon, "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word." Luke 2:29

I Hope I have offended you in some ways! Although this was not my intention when I started, and it was not intended as a sermon, a quote comes to mind - "It is a poor sermon that gives no offense; that neither makes the hearer displeased with himself nor with the preacher" George Whitfield.

So I leave you with this thought - what will you do this day to serve the Lord?

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how this jibes with Luke 18:8b: "However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith in earth?" That seems to imply that faith will be in short supply upon Messiah's return. When we hear that he will preserve a remnant, we typically picture just a small group of people, not huge droves of followers.

    You and I must be thinking along the same lines, since, as you know, I posted an article on faithfulness just recently at
