Tuesday 12 January 2010

RoFMI Visit Report to Denmark Jan 2010

RoFMI Visit Report to Denmark Jan 2010

As winter descended on the UK, so we decided to hop across the North Sea to Denmark to visit our wonderful friends there. Little did we know what the Lord had in store for us on this trip. In order to even get to the flight, I had to leave a day early to avoid being snowed in at home. The precaution was wise as I would certainly have missed the trip had I waited a further 24 hours as the snow set in hard all around the South of England. We were not even sure if any flights would leave on the Thursday morning – let alone leave at 07-15 a.m. But we (Peter, John, & myself) got to the airport in time and the Lord blessed us with both safe and perfectly on time travel. It was the first miracle of a weekend of miracles. God is so good.

We went straight to visit a local pastor in Vallo, just outside Copenhagen and within 45 minutes of landing, the Lord was revealing many of His secrets to Peter and the rest of us. It seems that. Not only is revival coming to Scandinavia, but it is coming very soon and through the ‘unknown army’ of end-time pastors and warriors currently being raised up by the Lord. Many of the very high profile ministries and mega-churches in Scandinavia will not only miss out on revival – they may well actually fall and the signs are already there for those “who have eyes to see”. A short period of blessed fellowship ended when we made our way to “HQ” – that’s Pinsekirken, in Korsor, home of Maureen & Preben Westh the pastors and our representatives in Denmark.

A short rest was followed by fellowship and a delicious dinner with a lovely young lady called Charlotte, one of the Pinsekirken congregation. A drive then to Holbaek about 50 km away to visit the house group of Linda and Soren Gyr. They are soon to become a house group fellowship associated with a church in Kalundborg which is a town a few km away under Pastor Jonar – whom we also visited this trip – but more of that later. A wonderful time of fellowship and prayer with many words of prophecy being given ended our first, rather long, day about 20 hours long actually and even then we didn’t go to bed for another hour as we were still “high” from the meetings.

On Friday, thankfully, we had a nice easy morning and we drove gently to Copenhagen for lunch with the leaders of the local Biker group, “Exodus” – Kai and his wife Annette. Annette is a gifted song writer and there is an anointing on many of her songs. Following a period of praise and worship, led by Annette, we had some more words of prophecy and encouragement for everyone there. This lasted until more people arrived for an early pizza supper which was followed in turn by a larger meeting which provided one of many great highlights. Peter brought a wonderful word about the restoration of prophets to nations to lead them in to revival. These prophets will have much of the power and respect afforded to the old-time Biblical prophets. There was also a word of prophecy to a young couple about to get married followed by prayer ministry. During this time, a man with damaged legs and feet was prayed for. Let’s just say that he arrived on crutches and left dancing – carrying the crutches over his shoulder. During this time I also managed to record the testimony of “Miracle man” Frank Hansen – an astonishing testimony to Gods healing power and grace. In an accident, Frank was consigned to a wheelchair where he stayed for over three and a half years. His foot was virtually severed; his thigh broken in three places; he had pneumonia, tinnitus, asthma, loss of the sense of smell, Septicaemia, a bent spine and many other things wrong or broken – that was two months ago. Today, Frank Hansen is completely healed and restored to fine health thanks to the healing power of our wonderful God. We also spent the night at Franks place ready for a major meeting with the biker group “Exodus” and some of their friends the next day.

Saturday dawned bright and sunny again, and we spent another easy morning but Peter and John managed to fit in a hospital visit to a lady with cancer. On the way out of the hospital, John spotted a young lady with a very new baby waiting by the door. She spoke English and explained that her new son, just 3 days old, had a quite serious stomach disorder. Upon hearing this, Peter introduced himself as a pastor and asked if she would like them to pray for the baby. To their delighted surprise, the young mum readily agreed, so Peter asked for baby’s name. “Oh, we haven’t named him yet” came the reply. Without breaking stride even for a second, Peter started to pray, “Lord, we hold Matthew before you now . . . . “ It was one of those ‘God-moments’ and baby went silent and slept serenely through it all. Mum left the hospital with a broad smile replacing the worried frown when they first met. Only God knows what was achieved in that short meeting.

When they returned, we went to the 2 o’clock meeting when about 25 large leather-clad bikers and their ‘other halves’ all arrived. What a blessing these wonderful spirit filled guys are going to be to the whole of Europe. One man received some wonderful prophecy and promptly announced that he would be going to his present group to tell them that he had to leave because of his new found faith in Jesus Christ. It was pointed out to him that because of the group’s rules, this could quite easily cost him his life – literally. He said quite clearly and quietly that he is prepared to die for the Gospel and for His Lord !! He left later, with his wife, already in prayer for this eventuality. Makes my faith seem so small by comparison – don’t know about you? In the evening there was more of the same with only a slight change of personnel – some bikers left but other people took their places. We learned during the day of some very significant changes to the whole biker community because of the activities of these particular amazing men and women of God. “Outsiders” to many but blessed and wonderful men and women of God nevertheless.

So to Sunday. During the morning, Peter & John went to Kalundborg while I stayed in Korsor. Both meetings were extraordinarily blessed and many received words of encouragement and prophecy to enrich their day. In Korsor, not one person failed to come forward when I put out an appeal for ministry and prayer. I was staggered – Preben was delighted. Peter and John had similar results in Kalundborg with Pastor Jonar and we all congregated later in Korsor for the evening meeting. It was amazing because without any collusion or comparing of notes, in the evening Peter & John repeated almost word for word that which I had spoken in the morning !!! Another astonishing God-moment.

Monday saw us visiting two young ladies with a vision for the future and a ministry dream that is amazing. We stayed with them for two hours before going to visit a couple from Prebens church where much blessing flowed along with the tears. It would be wrong to even try to explain – just accept my word for it. And so a final meal with Preben & Maureen before setting off on the long trail home. Despite all the bad weather we arrived just 20 minutes late – not bad when there is so much snow and ice everywhere – with temperatures to match.

I cannot begin to do any real justice to this trip. That revival is starting to come to Scandinavia there can be absolutely no doubt whatsoever. Once again, the Lord proved how faithful and true He is and we are left simply saying – “Why us Lord – why us?”


  1. What an encouragement to read that! I also believe awakening is coming to the UK imminently and I await with expectation what this will look like! Thanks for sharing : )

  2. Thank you for such an encouraging response. I really appreciate it. I hope also to get our new web-site up with all the latest reports on there. I posted this one here because we have been so encouraged by what is happening and it seems right to share some of it.

