Saturday 9 May 2009

A Revival Of The Heart of Jesus - This is MY heart too

A Revival Of The Heart of Jesus
Rev Heather Butler
Global Bridges of Prayer
Wales UK

The Lord has for this last 2000 years been preparing a people who will know his voice, who will follow his lead, and do things the way that he did them.

His walk was clearly seen and understood by all, who could fail to understand him as they watched and listened to others testify to his love and his kindness to them. This was not a Gentle Jesus meek and mild, this was a radical man of God, who knew how to deal with every situation in a Godly way, with love humility, grace mercy, wisdom and power. Jesus was a man who cut against the grain and carved a pathway through hearts of stone, establishing foundations of love to be built upon even today.

Jesus was a man who knew how to handle the powers that came against Him, and who understood fully the authority of the Father invested within Him to change the Spiritual atmosphere where ever he went. He challenged the ungodly, and the religious men of His day, He is more than able to teach us today the right way of doing these things in love.

Jesus tore down the legalistic Spirits that came against him and the disciples, he had a plan that He stuck to no matter what the cost, to bring the fullness of the kingdom down upon the earth in power and might in order to seek and save the lost.

The coming revival will not come in the package we all expect or want, but I believe that love will be the key that opens doors in many broken peoples lives this coming year.

This love is raw and real, it’s a love that pulls out all the stops, that dares to believe that there is great potential within each man woman and child that see’s beyond who we are in the natural, and boldly steps out into the realms of the Spirit to bring signs and wonders upon the earth.

These people will not be self seeking admirers of the world and money, but rather self sacrificing individuals who display the fullness and richness of the Fathers heart, a heart that reaches into the depths of mankind to bring a response that needs an answer.

This love is not weak, it’s passionate, it’s fierce like the flames of a red hot fire, it burns with compassion for those who are being lost. This love takes us to the limits of ourselves, and enables us to enter into the realms of the Spirit where we are able to learn to react to many in the way that Jesus did.

Why did people follow Jesus? The bible tells us that there was nothing physically that would draw your attention to him, and yet, there was something about this man that drew people like moths to a lamp. They had to go see for themselves if this man was truly the son of God.

Can you imagine the depth of emotion of those bound by every infirmity who were suddenly set free for all to see! Can you see and hear the commotion, the tears of joy, the dancing, the singing and cheering, the chatter of the crowd as they looked on in amazement, the stir it caused throughout the whole city.

The kingdom of heaven impacts nations, when we dwell within the heavenly places it devastates the plan of the enemy against us, against our nations. When our eyes are truly opened we begin to see the reality of a living Lord who is more than able to release us into that same call to the nations.

This revival is about a revival of the heart, a revival of the heart of Jesus. In Hebrews it says that Jesus is the very imprint of the Father, the light being. When we are filled with His Spirit we are enabled to walk as He walked, tearing down every obstacle, removing every stone, leaving a fragrance of life in places filled with the stench of death and decay .

When we truly understand His heart, and hold onto those same principals and teachings then we will begin to see real change in our lives, and the lives of others. Jesus lived for others, and so should we, impacting them in ways that shake the very foundations of their beliefs, breaking open those graves of death and destruction, and bringing the life force of Jesus into the heart of those living in our community.

Jesus is great in places of death, in places where all is lost, where there is no hope in the natural order of things, but, we serve a supernatural Lord, who challenges the depths of hell with his love and reaches into the hell of peoples lives and plummets the darkest realms to bring light healing and salvation breaking every hold and claim of the enemy upon them, and releasing them by His blood. His blood is enough, it is as powerful today as it ever was, and has not lost the authority or the power it ignited on the cross, it is as fresh, and as pure and as clean today, washing the darkest heart as white as snow.

We have misunderstood the relevance of this love. We have seen the power of the healing, the power of the word, the power of the Spirit to move upon a nation to bring much change, but we have not understood the real power of the heart of Jesus, and what it could mean for our family, community and nation as we move in that same spirit.

Out of the heart flows the issues of life.

We are told to guard our heart for it is the wellspring of life, but how do we guard it, the word tells us to guard it with the breast plate of righteousness, but what does that mean for us today. It means that our protection is doing things the Lords way and not our own, righteousness simply means doing things the right way! When we are right with the Lord then we are one in the Spirit, and we leave the mark of Christ on everything that we do and say, we leave a lasting impression upon those who come to be set free, who come to hear the truth, who come to be saved.

To know Him is to Love Him, and to love Him is to love others in that same sacrificial way, that they in turn would learn to love Him and others, and the cycle goes on.

The love of Jesus is strong, he attacked verbally and spiritually all that came against the lives of those he ministered to. He called the religious white washed sepulchres, he held nothing back for the sake of the knowledge of His saving power. Get to know his words, read the red writing in your bibles, what did Jesus say, what did he do, what did he teach, how did he deal with the people of his day, how do we emulate him. Its all in the word, not hidden, but wonderfully bold enough to see.

One of the problems we are faced with today is that many are afraid to love or allow themselves to be loved , many are not able to respond to it because they are afraid of love, love has hurt them, they have suffered an attack of the heart, and are unable to allow love to be part of there lives because its to painful. For this reason we must learn to persevere in our love of those who give nothing in return, we much be trust worthy, we must become a people of prayer who’s attitude is to reach out to the lord for wisdom and help as we reach out to help others.

We must become an expression of the deep, deep love of Jesus that is sold out that will go chase after those sheep that are running in the opposite direction, we must first understand the heart of the shepherd, and only by being in the lords presence will be understand his heart, and move in His way into every situation.

Our love should always be a love that forgives and forgets the circumstances that hold us and many captive, where love abounds forgiveness begins. Where sin is washed away new life takes hold, and the breath of the one sent to save is breathed into the lives of others through our breath.

A person who does not know how to love needs to be shown the real love of Jesus to change their views on life and every circumstance.

Love is the Key, it turns in the locks of hearts grown cold and hard, and brings a fire that melts and warms comforts and brings life rich and beautiful.

Revival of the heart is essential for life. Is your heart in good condition, if not , you need to exercise those muscles so that they will beat strong and bold, that they will carry the lifeblood back into the body and enable it to do the work of the lord until the end.

Love is the most powerful weapon that we have, love created mankind, and the devotion and the love of a father who refused to let go of the creation of His hands. Love totally annihilated death, as true love entered that place devoid of the presence of it, and it shattered to pieces the hold it had over everyone of us who dared to believe it, love stripped infirmity of its power over us, so that by His blood His stripes we are healed, true love stands in the face of the enemy and says I am not afraid, if the Lord is for me who can be against me.

Every barrier, every act of the enemy forged against you will not prosper. You are a mighty weapon of mass destruction, what you hold within your heart released by the Holy Spirit is enough to enable you to stand against the mightiest foe, and declare that the authority of Christ invested in you is greater.

Its time to come into the chambers of His love, to grow in understanding, no longer taking its power for granted, but learning to release it upon the earth once again everywhere we go.

We are the redeemed of the Lord, we are entrusted with His heart, change the spiritual atmosphere over your nation because of the depths of His love today. His love is a miracle in the making, walk in it and be amazed.


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